Celebration of Grandparents
St. Joseph School
January 31, 2025, Catholic School’s Week, 9:00 Mass
8:00 All Students Start School at Normal Time (and move together at Mass)
8:30 Student Song Practice
9:00 Grandparents' Mass (Students join grandparents in St. Joseph Church)
10:30 After Mass, Students and Grandparents pose for a picture together (Framed pictures are available after Brunch at the Book Fair in the Auditorium)
11:00 Grandparents Brunch (Grandparents and Students) in the Gymnasium (There is a donation request of $10 per grandparent. The $10 Donations can be made in the Main Office or returned in the accompanying envelope sent home with the eldest child in each family. Registration is essential for the number of persons attending. Students will have their typical lunch program choice boxed to join their grandparents. Students who bring their lunches are welcome to bring those lunches to eat
with their grandparents.)
Registration Deadline is Monday, January 27.
11:30-2:00 Book Fair Open Grandparents with their Students
Grandparents Brunch Reservation Slip
Reservations to attend the Grandparents Brunch are due to the Main Office no later than Noon on Monday, Jan 27, via the slip below or the online link below. (There is a donation request of $10 per grandparent. Donations can be made at the Main Office or in the accompanying envelope. Registration is essential for the number of persons attending.)
Student Family (Student Names) _____________________________________
Grandparent Names: ______________________________________________
Total Numbers of Grandparents ____________ and Grandchildren: __________
Online Line for Reservations (due by Noon, Monday, Jan. 27): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdt5mvSXpxnE809hQvCW_voWzz7T8cixzCJy4IHhdsq7Zvmbw/viewform?usp=sharing